At Flintab, we work systematically to deliver quality and customer benefit in a sustainable way. Therefore, we have ISO-certified several areas such as quality, environment and working environment. We are also Swedac-approved as an accredited laboratory since 1993.
We dare to weigh important goods!
Our quality management system provides efficiency, good profitability – and above all customer benefit.
Flintab is environmentally certified according to ISO 14001, we take responsibility and want to actively work for sustainability and reduced environmental impact.
Our employees are our most important resource and we are convinced that this creates a safer, healthier working climate and increases well-being in the workplace.
An ISO 27001 certification shows that we have routines for handling and protecting information, both our customers’ and other stakeholders’ and our own.
Swedac is responsible for legal measurement technology and in 1993 Flintab received its approval as an accredited laboratory. For calibration laboratories, accreditation is voluntary and serves as a seal of quality. In order to be accredited, competence, routines and methods are tested so that all quality requirements are met according to a standard. Afterwards, Swedac regularly checks that the company continues to live up to the requirements for its accreditation, for example that the assignments are carried out impartially, correctly and based on internationally recognized standards.
Flintab has nationwide staff who perform over 6,000 accredited calibrations of scales each year. Since 2016, Flintab has also been accredited for automatic scales. Flintab also calibrates both customers’ and our own around 600 ton weights traceably against the world standard. With Flintab’s long experience, you as our customer can be confident that we perform professional services.
To assess scales intended for trade, Flintab is approved for first-time verification (crowning) or as it is formally called – assessment of conformity according to directives 2014/31EU (NAWI) and 2014/32/EU (MID). The certificate is carried out after a thorough audit of Flintab production, handling of product maintenance, method for checking scales and competence in weighing.
Flintab AB
Box 180, 551 13 Jönköping, Sweden
Visiting address: Kabelvägen 4, 553 02 Jönköping, Sweden
Tel: +46 36 31 42 00
551 13 Jönköping
Kabelvägen 4
553 02 Jönköping
Support 036 – 31 42 55
Customer service 036 – 31 42 00