FAQ and support

In our FAQ below, we have gathered quick information about the most common support questions.

If you need support or want to report an error regarding an existing product – see contact details below.
Feel free to register in our case management system below to get full control of your cases.

Online support TeamViewer

Questions about service services

Tel +46 (0)36-31 42 00

Support and error reporting

Tel: +46 (0)36-31 42 55
Opening hours: 08.00-16:00 mån-fre

Products and sales

Tel +46 (0)36-31 42 00

Questions about calibration, legal requirements, methods, etc.

Calibration certificates can be downloaded from the customer portal.


Order and delivery

You can easily do this via the tracking link that is usually sent to the email specified at the time of the order or by contacting our warehouse. For further questions regarding an ongoing order, contact the person responsible according to the order acknowledgment.

Notes the damage on the delivery note upon receipt. Document the damage (image). Contact us for further assessment on appropriate handling.

Contact the seller. Returns must be in unopened packaging, otherwise a price deduction will be made after assessment. Return form

In case of complaints, contact the seller, or otherwise the quality manager (andreas.eneving(at)flintab.se). When complaints or guarantees are asserted, Flintab must always be given the opportunity to troubleshoot the product, either on site or by sending the defective product to us.

Smaller products are sent to Flintab for troubleshooting. Completed repair notification is sent together with the product.


The warranty period can be found on the order acknowledgement.

You will find our most common manuals under each product here on the website. If you need more information or special information, contact us.


You can find your calibration certificates in our customer portal on Flintab’s website. By following the link to:


You must have a username and password to access this. All customers of Flintab have received this information at some point. If the person has quit or if you have forgotten your login details, you can contact Flintab support and we will reset the password.

They are on the website, you can find them here

Recurring control is an extended exercise of authority and must be carried out on scales where there is a demand for this, often linked to the scale being used for trade in some way. The scale must then also be verified, i.e. CE-marked and approved for the purpose.

Calibration is a voluntary service that compares the scale against traceable weights. Calibration is often linked to requirements within operational systems and, by extension, customer requirements.

When used for any of the purposes set out in STAFS 2016:7 or STAFS 2016:12.

It is often linked to whether some form of debiting takes place based on what has been weighed on the scale, or when filling packages, for example.

The kilogram is the basic unit of mass. The only basic unit that somewhat misleadingly carries a prefix (kilo) in its name.

From the late 18th century, mass has been defined from the archival kilogram—a physical weight located at the Bureau of Weights and Measures in Paris. However, the risks with a physical object are great, for example that it is damaged and that the mass changes over time (stability).

From 20 May 2019, the definition was therefore changed. A kilogram is now anchored in magnitudes that cannot be broken. Instead of having a starting point in a solid object, the kilogram is derived from the natural constants second, speed of light and Planck’s constant. Natural constants are fixed values and from these the kilogram can then be calculated, among other things. The kilogram can then be created anywhere in the world, provided the right equipment is provided.

The definition also enables more accurate measurements as multi-step calibration can be reduced. This becomes important for, for example, medical technology.

How do we know that Flintab’s weights weigh correctly?

At Flintab, we have over 700,000 kg of weights. These are calibrated at specific intervals which are determined according to the wear and tear the weight is exposed to. There are international tolerance requirements for weights used for calibration and it is these tolerances that the weights must stay within. For an accredited business, this is carefully checked by the authority Swedac in connection with audits and random samples.

The path from Planck’s constant to the wave in the store can feel long. The important thing is that it is traceable, that is to say that the weight placed on the road to calibrate it is derived step by step to an approved basic standard.

Exemplification: Archive kilogram
– The Swedish kilogram prototype
– National reference standards, calibrated down and up in mass, mg to ton
– RISE reference standards
– Flintab reference standards
– Flintab work standards
– Calibration of scales

Capacity: How much the scale is intended to be loaded to max.

Resolution: Smallest weight change that can be read.

Scale part: = Capacity / resolution

Single range scale: Scale with a weighing range and the same scale division throughout the weighing range.

Multi-interval scale (multi-interval): Scale with a weighing area divided into sub-areas, which have different scale divisions.

Multi-range scale (multiple range: Scale with two or more weighing ranges with different maximum capacities. Each weighing range goes from zero to its maximum capacity.

OIML class III: International body that issues standards with requirements for how a scale should be designed and tested. Class III is the so-called “industrial class” with scale parts between 500 and 10,000.


By opening the terminal cabinet, you will find the printer on the left side of the terminal. By pulling this down to a more ergonomic level, you can easily get a better overview of the status of the receipt paper.

To get rid of the receipt tangle, you start by first turning off the power to the terminal. You use the power button at the bottom right to do this. Then you pull out the receipt paper from the printer and make sure that the paper is complete. If it looks worn or you can’t get the entire receipt roll out in perfect condition, you need to open the print head located at the top of the receipt printer and possibly brush off pieces of the receipt paper before putting it back.

Then turn the power back on and the receipt printer will probably flash red on the page. Reinsert the paper and make sure you get a small test strip as confirmation that you inserted the receipt paper correctly. Then you click on the “FEED” button on the page and possibly restart the terminal one last time for at least 30 seconds before turning on the power again to make sure that all buttons light up green.

The easiest way is to find the weight indicator and press the “0” symbol to reset the scale. NOTE. the scale must be unloaded when doing this. See the image below:

Otherwise, you can do this from Viktoria2 by bringing up the instrument from the client manager and Click on archive -> Reset instrument.
If it is in an average of -500kg to +500kg, the scale will reset to zero. If the weight is higher than that, then the scale must be set to zero via the weight indicator.


By following this PDF, you can update your license key every year yourself.
ATTENTION! Each system owner receives a new license key annually around mid-February. This license key must then be filled in Viktoria2.

Click here to open the PDF

Contact our exchange via 036-31 42 50 or contact via info@flintab.se

By visiting our website at:
You can book available dates. We have both trainings linked to ongoing deliveries as well as continuing courses/workshops to train the staff in e.g. new hires, audit releases, workshops around working methods/efficiency.

We have continued support in Viktoria1 to the extent possible. Since Viktoria1 still works in Windows 10 and 11, we can keep support available until further notice. More information about this will come here when the situation possibly changes.

No, Viktoria1 and Viktoria2 do not have any Logi4j vulnerability.

Viktoria1 works with versions SQL2007 – SQL2019

Viktoria2 works with versions SQL2017 -> Newer.

The ones that today cause disturbances during installation/configurations are Norton 360 and Panda Antivirus. Usually, your IT must unlock these functions in the antivirus for Viktoria2 to function optimally.

We have a version release in the spring. Usually the first week of April and a version release in the fall usually the first week of November. You do not need to update both if you do not wish this. However, we strongly recommend that you choose to update at least once a year.

When you are in Viktoria2 Register Management, there is a small symbol at the top that resembles a factory.

You can also click on the red button at the top left and select “Show surveillance image”.

Click on one of these and you will be taken to a monitoring view that is in Viktoria2. All hardware connected to Viktoria2 is visible here and also gives alarms if, for example, the receipt paper starts to run out in some terminal.

Internal comment is used to write something that does not appear on the receipt or delivery note. This is information for your staff. Comment is included on both the delivery note and receipt for the driver.

Yes, you can, when you enter a register such as transactions, there is a button at the top called “Excel Export”. Click on this and you will be able to save a file on the computer that will come out in excel format with all the data that you have selected to be visible.

Don’t see the button?

Then you need to go to the “Roles” registry, click into, for example, the user role and make sure you tick the “Export” option in all the registries that the choice is on and try logging in and out and the button should appear!

You must enable this on each actor. Enter a customer who wants to see the prices on their receipt for each weigh-in. Tick the “Write Price” function under each customer card and prices will be printed for future weighings.

There is a function called “Maximum time at the facility” which is found on two registers, the facility and the ID card. If you set, for example, a maximum time of 1 hour, this means that when the car has been weighed in, they have 1 hour to weigh out before they receive an error message that their weighing has become too old.

An error message appears in the terminal that the weighing is too old, but offers the driver to finish or refuse, but then the staff must weigh the car out manually before they can weigh in again.

Yes, it can be done, but you must contact Flintab Support and we will help with this. Submit a request for this via support@flintab.se and please attach a picture of your current receipt and what you would like to see changed.

Yes, there is a function in Viktoria2 Register management under the “Facilities” register. Enter your facility on which you want to enter a message, scroll down a bit to get to a column called “Weighing Terminal”. There is a box called “Message” where you can enter a limited text of 50 characters that will appear in the terminals connected to your facility.

Could look like this for example:

Then you probably missed activating the tare option on the card. On each card there is a choice called “Use Tara” which defaults to “Never”. Instead, choose “Ask” if the driver should be able to switch between tare weight or weighing in/out or “Always” if the driver should only drive with tare weights.

Yes, everything you create or do in Viktoria2 provides information such as which account was logged in, when you did this, and what version the client had. If you have personal accounts, you can clearly see who changed or created the data, but if you use standard accounts, the information is more limited. By clicking on, for example, an old transaction and scrolling to the bottom there is a box called “information”. It says everything about the weighing that was done.

It is a waste list that is used to classify waste. Each type of waste has a waste code and according to the waste regulation (2020:614) all material that is FA must be classified. This was previously called the EWC code. In Viktoria2 we have support for waste codes.