Flintab strives for a local presence. It is close to our customers that we benefit the most. It is at the local arena in e.g. Jönköping that we can best help with expertise and support for our scales and registration systems. It is here, where our customer is, that we are most comfortable. Feel free to get in touch or come by for a non-binding meeting. We love to talk scales, weighing systems and registration systems.
You can find us here:
Box 180
551 13 Jönköping
Tel: 036-31 42 00
Kabelvägen 4, 553 02 Jönköping
Monday-Friday, 08.00-16.30
Flintab AB
Box 180, 551 13 Jönköping, Sweden
Visiting address: Kabelvägen 4, 553 02 Jönköping, Sweden
Tel: +46 36 31 42 00
551 13 Jönköping
Kabelvägen 4
553 02 Jönköping
Support 036 – 31 42 55
Customer service 036 – 31 42 00