Fordonsvågen 14-40 is designed based on long experience in industrial weighing. It is a high-quality construction made entirely of steel, which includes wave bridges, ramps and foundation plates. It is a mobile vehicle scale that provides high flexibility. The model has split weighing that provides a faster weighing procedure, allows different materials on car and trailer, provides increased operational reliability and higher accuracy – to name just a few advantages.
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14-40 can be installed on a flat and stable surface, such as a compacted gravel bed, in asphalt or concrete. It can be lifted in one piece without having to be re-verified and is easy to transport and install. The scale is low-built, with good weighing performance and is easy to maintain. 14-40 is available in twelve and 24 meter versions. In the 24-meter version, the scale consists of two twelve-meter modules and can be easily converted between twelve and 24 meters, for example when only a twelve-meter scale is needed for a certain set-up. Since there are two separate scales, it is of course also possible to weigh a split load, i.e. car and trailer separately. It is also possible to convert to two separate twelve-meter scales, but should then be combined with an extra pair of ramps.
Length: 12 m
Width: 3 m
Capacity: 45 tons
Resolution: 20 kg
Length: 24 m
Width: 3 m
Capacity: 90 tons
Resolution: 20 kg
Reflective posts that guide the driver on and off the scale.
Electric heating. Keeps the wave safe and ice-free during the winter.
Run-off protection in signal color. Protection/assistance against falling off the scale.
If terminals are to be used for the scale, it can be prepared with quick connectors for power supply and network on both sides of the scale so that the terminals can be quickly disconnected and connected when moving. The terminals are normally placed on poles with removable concrete foundations and can be equipped with 4G modems.
Flintab AB
Box 180, 551 13 Jönköping, Sweden
Visiting address: Kabelvägen 4, 553 02 Jönköping, Sweden
Tel: +46 36 31 42 00
551 13 Jönköping
Kabelvägen 4
553 02 Jönköping
Support 036 – 31 42 55
Customer service 036 – 31 42 00