The system is based on using the weight and moisture content of a delivery to calculate the energy content with a mathematical formula. The moisture content is based on samples that are weighed, then the delivery is dried and weighed again. The weight for the delivery finally comes from a vehicle scale.
Viktoria2 helps you connect your equipment for an uninterrupted flow of information from registration to business systems. Registration takes place via self-service, terminals or mobile solutions. With a common system for all weighing flows, Viktoria2 can help you keep track of your materials, storage locations and balances.
With the ability to connect to different equipment, you can register:
Flintab AB
Box 180, 551 13 Jönköping, Sweden
Visiting address: Kabelvägen 4, 553 02 Jönköping, Sweden
Tel: +46 36 31 42 00
551 13 Jönköping
Kabelvägen 4
553 02 Jönköping
Support 036 – 31 42 55
Customer service 036 – 31 42 00